Where’s Bertie? He's in a small parking area at the start of a popular walk, on the west side of Torsfjord.
Our theory that tour buses wouldn't be on the road much before 10am was disproved this morning. We were on the move by 0830 and it wasn't long before Bertie was having to breathe in to squeeze past them.
We didn't have far to go, with our first stop, for a munucipal service point, being just 10km along the road, at the harbour by the village of Reine. We could have stayed in the village's designated motorhome parking overnight, but £20 for a patch of car park is a bit steep and we would rather spend our money on things like ice cream instead. Granted, both the motorhome parking and the service point were in spectacular locations:

View from the service point
With water bottles filled and the toilet emptied, a bit more of the E10 road, which runs the length of the Lofoten Islands, took us to a turn onto a minor road, which in turn brought us to a parking area. Taking the last space on the waterside, the cars already parked gave the impression that walkers get an early start around here. The truth of the matter became apparent later.
After a late breakfast (having got on the road without so much as a cup of tea this morning) and a bit of faffing around, eventually stuff was gathered together, a packed lunch prepared, and off we went. A way marker pointed up the hill and from the map it looked like we might be able to join a couple of paths into a circuit, but we had no information about the nature of what we were about to walk.
It was as we crossed a pass and started descending towards this gorgeous beach...

...and saw all the tents dotted on the cropped grass, not to mention the people with huge backpacks heading the other way, that we came to understand why the car park had been populated so early - they had been there overnight.

Lunchtime view
It turned out to be perfectly possible to join the two paths marked on the map and thus via a different pass we looped back to the road for a short walk along tarmac back to our start point.

Pretty pretty pretty
We had told a couple in a German motorhome to block us in before we set out. They passed us as we walked back along the road, but when we arrived back five minutes later we found the space that they had vacated had been taken and the whole area so chocka that we wouldn't be able to leave even if we wanted to. As it goes, we are happy to spend the night, and we acknowledge that, being the weekend and the number of people we've seen setting off with backpacks, it's possible it may be Sunday before we are able to leave. If that should come to pass then we'll hope for good weather tomorrow so that we can enjoy another route in this area.
Our theory that tour buses wouldn't be on the road much before 10am was disproved this morning. We were on the move by 0830 and it wasn't long before Bertie was having to breathe in to squeeze past them.
We didn't have far to go, with our first stop, for a munucipal service point, being just 10km along the road, at the harbour by the village of Reine. We could have stayed in the village's designated motorhome parking overnight, but £20 for a patch of car park is a bit steep and we would rather spend our money on things like ice cream instead. Granted, both the motorhome parking and the service point were in spectacular locations:
View from the service point
With water bottles filled and the toilet emptied, a bit more of the E10 road, which runs the length of the Lofoten Islands, took us to a turn onto a minor road, which in turn brought us to a parking area. Taking the last space on the waterside, the cars already parked gave the impression that walkers get an early start around here. The truth of the matter became apparent later.
After a late breakfast (having got on the road without so much as a cup of tea this morning) and a bit of faffing around, eventually stuff was gathered together, a packed lunch prepared, and off we went. A way marker pointed up the hill and from the map it looked like we might be able to join a couple of paths into a circuit, but we had no information about the nature of what we were about to walk.
It was as we crossed a pass and started descending towards this gorgeous beach...
...and saw all the tents dotted on the cropped grass, not to mention the people with huge backpacks heading the other way, that we came to understand why the car park had been populated so early - they had been there overnight.
Lunchtime view
It turned out to be perfectly possible to join the two paths marked on the map and thus via a different pass we looped back to the road for a short walk along tarmac back to our start point.
Pretty pretty pretty
We had told a couple in a German motorhome to block us in before we set out. They passed us as we walked back along the road, but when we arrived back five minutes later we found the space that they had vacated had been taken and the whole area so chocka that we wouldn't be able to leave even if we wanted to. As it goes, we are happy to spend the night, and we acknowledge that, being the weekend and the number of people we've seen setting off with backpacks, it's possible it may be Sunday before we are able to leave. If that should come to pass then we'll hope for good weather tomorrow so that we can enjoy another route in this area.