Sunday 11 December 2016

Sunday 11 December - Platja d'Aro

Where’s Colin? He’s still at the Aire at Platja d'Aro.

Things are quietening down on the Aire this afternoon. As expected, many of the Spanish have left. Unfortunately not yet the van behind us who, presumably because of a sudden and pressing need for power and/or heat, ran their engine for an hour at around midnight. Ignorami.

Waking early this morning, I dithered over whether to go for a run or not and eventually decided to rest today and run tomorrow. By 'rest' I do, of course, mean 'go for a walk'. It wasn't a long one (10km), and it was far from taxing as we walked the GR92 as it followed a man-made walkway which hugged the coast down to Platja s'Agaro.

Past the marina we went...

...along an ankle-shaping beach...

...and along the grit-surfaced walkway which hugs the coast without losing or gaining any appreciable height. Under the blue sky, the views were lovely...

...and if we were able to speako the lingo then the various information signs we passed would have undoubtedly educated us about the geology of the area:

Our stop for coffee at Platja s'Agaro (I may be making up that place name but Google maps isn't being helpful as to what it's really called) was mainly because my nose needed powdering and the public toilets were closed. And, it's never a hardship to stop for coffee ... except on this occasion we chose our bar badly and my decaf coffee wasn't the best.

With lunchtime approaching (per our British schedule, not per local custom) and no food with us bar a couple of bananas, we didn't continue along the coast (had we done so we would have reached Sant Feliu, another place we stayed a night a couple of weeks back) but simply retraced our steps.

It was a popular choice for a Sunday walk with people out in force - mainly wrapped up like it's deep mid-winter. I was in my shirt sleeves.

The marina again. Those are not tall trees sitting behind that building, they are short trees sitting on top of the building.

More strolling occurred this afternoon and we can report that the ugly high rises along the sea front result in the promenade sitting in the shade in the afternoon at this time of year. A shame, as it's lovely being out in the sun today, but then it is 17 degrees even in the shade.

We rounded off our day with a bit of window shopping at an estate agent. The most expensive we found was just under €4 million for a 1100sqm detached house. The cheapest (by far) was €110k for a 1-bed loft appartment of 60sqm. Our general impression is that this is not a cheap place to own property, yet most of the property here appears to be second homes.

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