Wednesday 7 December 2016

Wednesday 7 December – Parc Natural de la Zona Volcanica (near Olot)

Where’s Colin? He’s still at Camping La Fageda to the SE of Olot.

After a bit of dithering on the subject this morning, the decision was made to stay another night at Camping La Fageda. Whilst our pitch is in amongst the season pitches, filled with caravans and awnings that look like they’ve not been moved for a decade or more, it’s quite a nice site with good facilities. Plus, with the benefit of electricity, it will allow us to stay in the area tonight without needing to worry about the temperature dipping down to freezing (we can leave the mini oil filled radiator on low, which won’t wake us up, unlike Colin’s blown air gas heating).

With the need to tell the campsite of our desire for another night, and with reception not opening until 10am, we couldn’t get out for our walk as early as we would have liked. Probably not a bad thing, as by the time we did get out the sun was starting to warm the day a little. The route, advertised as being 10km, worked out as about 13km for us, in part because we included the optional extra of visiting the crater of Volan de Margarida, in part because we walked to the start of the circuit from the campsite and in a further part because the official length of 10km is an undermeasurement.


Elevenses in the crater, with the frozen ground steaming behind us.


Looking down to the church inside of the crater

I’ve written more detail (like the dog who tried her hardest to adopt us) about the walk on t’other blog, at M&G Go For A Walk, so I’ll not repeat myself here.

Having failed to take our late start into account in terms of the amount of food required, and having failed to replace the emergency pack of biscuits, which usually lives in my daysack, after we ate the originals a couple of weeks ago, the first priority when we got back to Colin was a sizeable lunch, after which I could have happily had a snooze, but instead a trip into the local town was called for.

Usually we don’t consider it a faff at all to pack everything away in order to drive somewhere. Generally, we do it at least once a day and thus the inside of Colin is usually kept in good, tidy order and we can be packed and ready to roll within a couple or three minutes. Today, however, it did seem a faff (maybe because we were only popping out, then to return to the same place), but the need for bread and milk and the lack of any shops nearby dictated that we had to stir ourselves.

Into Olot we went, hitting it mid-siesta when it was nearly as dead as a dead thing. Bar a couple of interesting buildings (which, in reviewing today’s photos, I note that I didn’t even bother to snap), I can’t say that the bit we saw grabbed us. We may pop back tomorrow to the main park, which also houses the botanical gardens, although if we do our main objective will be to find somewhere suitable for a jogette.

In the meantime we shall spend another night being frivilous with having the lights on, and watching another film :-).

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