Sunday 10 May 2020

Sunday 10 May – Random Witterings from Home #14

A few snippets from my week:

Funniest Neighbourhood Sight

Coming back from a run on bin day this week (seldom a good day for running – bins scattered willy-nilly over the pavements and it being almost guaranteed that, at some point, the need to step into the road to go around will coincide with a car coming) I saw that someone had taped a big ‘Thank You’ note to the top of their bin, augmented by three bottles of beer that were clearly a gift for the bin men. What’s funny about that, you may ask? The brand of the beer: they had put out three bottles of Corona Extra.

Hottest Date!

Okay, so there’s only one contender here, but the point is that I got asked out on a coffee date! And I accepted! Thus Mick and I made coffee in the kitchen and carried it, along with a crossword, out to Bertie. I’m sure Bertie must be wondering what he did wrong to suddenly be so out of favour, but hopefully he enjoyed our company. Not quite the same as being away somewhere new, but we had to concede that we’ve had many a park up with a worse view!

Most Exciting Purchase

Woo Hoo! For the first time since we got home, I found self-raising flour in the supermarket and snapped up not just a bag for us but one for a neighbour too. Another neighbour was equally delighted that I was finally able to get her some bleach. Still no sign of plain flour, but the check-out operator told me that they’d briefly had stock of yeast earlier in the week, so it seems that baking supplies are slowly coming back onto the shelves.
Most Successful Baking

They may look remarkably like the carrot cakes I made a couple of weeks ago, but these are coffee and walnut. I’ve only made this flavour once before and on neither occasion did I consult a recipe (for no good reason; in fact I don’t know why I didn’t). My guess as to the appropriate amount of coffee was more accurate this time (too little last time).
Best Ploughing
Not got anything more to say about this one, but it caught my eye on one of my runs earlier in the week. 
Worst News
My gran, who tested positive for coronavirus a week and a half ago, took a turn for the worse at the beginning of this week. Given her age and situation (98 and living in a care home), we had to acknowledge that the statistical odds were very much against her. They may still be so, but more positive news came a couple of days later that she had rallied. We’re willing her on to continue on the road to recovery.
Bonus snap from yesterday morning when it was sunny, warm and calm - a complete contrast to today! 


  1. If I'd been on a long walk and anywhere near I would have been prepared to make a big diversion to sample some home baking. You are both looking well in the photo. On my local walks I pass a number of motorhomes all remaining parked up in the same places - how sad - glad you have given Bertie a bit of a treat. Best wished for your gran. So far nobody close to us has succumbed, but daughter Jill is furious at the latest schools announcement and hyper concerned about being forced back into a dangerous environment.

  2. I would have been delighted to share my baking with you (not that particular batch of cakes - they're all gone, but they've been replaced with another batch of carrot cakes; what is it with carrots going off at the drop of a hat at the moment?!).

    It is sad that Bertie is sitting doing nothing, and I am of course, itching to have the freedom to go off again (but under no illusions that it will be any time soon). At least we have had two months away this year - I think the itch of the feet would be worse if our plans had seen us staying at home all winter with the intention to go away for a few months come March.
