Monday 12 November 2018

Monday 12 November - Jumièges

Where's Bertie? He's still sitting in the same place, at the Aire at Jumièges.
Weather: Rainy morning, sunny intervals later.

With rain pattering down this morning, and the knowledge that it was forecast to brighten up later, there was no inclination to go anywhere or do anything this morning. Instead, heads were buried in e-books until we both knew the outcome of Sarjeant Shardlake's* latest adventure.

After a lunch that was only just late enough not to be called 'early', and with the weather now far more amenable to being outside, off we set on foot to spend a couple of hours seeing a little more of the surrounding area.

The route, downloaded from, took us initially on tarmac (more ogling of houses) then down a little green lane between properties. As anyone can upload any route to wikiloc, there's always the danger one may be led into trespass, and this little green lane gave us a nagging doubt, until we finally spotted an old waymark on a pylon part way along it.

Look closely and there's a definite appearance of multiple additions and alterations to this church over the years.

About half way through the outing we reached the lake past which I had run (in the opposite direction) yesterday. From there the surroundings were new only to Mick, although there were some things that I had missed in my haste yesterday. In particular, we spent a good while hypothesising (with varying degrees of plausibility) over why there are huge fields of maize, as well as large commercial-looking orchards that have gone unharvested.

The lakes within this big meander in the river are the result of old gravel pits

Arriving back at the Aire it was with amusement that we saw the 'herding instinct' had struck again. I reckon you could fit well over 50 motorhomes on this patch of gravel, if they were neatly positioned. No prizes for guessing where the newly arrived German van had opted to park, when faced with a large empty area, occupied by just two vans...

(*Shardlake is the main character in a series of historical (mid 16th century) novels by CJ Sansom. In my opinion, they get better as they go along, with the exception of Lamentation, which didn't grab me (or Mick, or my Mother-in-Law) as much as the rest of the series.)


  1. Oh this so wonderful - I can once again check out Bertie each morning! Excited to see where you're going to #SpoilerAlert don't tell!

    1. There's no chance of giving you advanced information as to our plans. To mangle the chant often heard directed at football referees: "We don't know where we're going!"
