Thursday 15 November 2018

Thursday 15 November - Êtoutteville

Where's Bertie? He's still at the Aire at Étouttville.
Weather: Fog

This is going to be a short post, but I'll probably still mange to pen more words than it deserves.

Waking to fog I deferred today's run until mid-morning to allow the sun time to burn through, but at 10.30 visibility was still bad enough to make running along little lanes unsafe (footnote 1). The run was deferred until mid-afternoon, as the Meteo-France App assured us that by then the sun would have broken through.

The sun never did win against the fog, but at just after 2pm we decided that it was clear enough to be safe, so out we trotted for a speed interval session. Our route (the local heritage trail, but omitting the two loops designed to take one past points of interest) wasn't entirely suited to the purpose, with some rough tracks and some slippery muddy sections, not to mention a few undulations, but I think the surroundings were probably reasonably pleasant ... if only we could have seen them.

Back in Bertie within the hour, we soon had our pyjamas back on. It wasn't a day for doing stuff or seeing things.

Otherwise, progress has been made on the sock I'm knitting, the daily crossword has been done and I've spent a few hours with Sherlock Holmes whilst Mick has been enjoying the company of Lieutenant Sharpe during a campaign in Oporto (footnote 2).

(1: Theoretically unsafe. Whilst we encountered cars at various crossroads, No a single vehicle passed us on any of the lanes we ran.
2: I had been listening to The Sign of Four as an audiobook. The complete Sherlock Holmes (some 75 hours or so of listening!) has been split by Audible across 6 downloads. I didn't expect any single book to be split across two downloads, so I only put the first on my phone. Fortunately, I also have the complete works on my Kindle, so when I abrupty met with the 'Audible hopes you have enjoyed this programme' mid-story, I was able to switch to the written word, which is what kept me entertained all morning. Mick's current reading is one of Bernard Cornwell's Sharpe series.)

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