Saturday 17 November 2018

Saturday 17 November - Doudeville

Where's Bertie? He's turned around twice today (daytime solar gain; night time levelness) but he's essentially still in the same place, in the Aire at Doudeville.
Weather: Gloriously sunny after the initial thin layer of cloud had burnt off. Cool.

The first mile of this morning's run was a bit 'urgh'. It was but 5 degrees out, the lie of the land had been continuously uphill and the wind was in our faces. The rest of the distance was just fine, and even the killer hill in the fourth mile was okay, although I'm glad it wasn't any longer.

Breakfasting in Bertie a while later, cars started joining us in the motorhome parking area. We knew it was market day and with the rest of the car park being full, we expected to find the town a bustling and lively place. Alas, no. We found a total of five market stalls (cheese, meat, veg, haberdashery and flowers) and only the cheese counter (which was sizeable) had many people around it. Even with a stop at a boulangerie for croissant, it was a short outing.

Thus, after lunch, we headed off again, this time for a walk. I'd come up with my own route, of a distance to suit the time of day (4 miles or so), but it turned out that we took in bits of both of the local circuits we'd noticed yesterday.

Lovely day for it!

Taking a wrong turn on the return leg (following my nose instead of looking at the map) was fortuitous, as I'd intended to take us past Chateau de Galle in the hope of getting a glimpse of it. If we hadn't taken that wrong turn, we would have passed behind the substantial walled estate and would have seen nothing, but with the wrong turn we went straight past the front gates:

Back at Bertie the sun was already dipping low and the temperature starting to collapse. The forecast tells me that we're now in for a period of easterly winds, bringing sunny days, but with cool temperatures by day and negative ones by night. Can't complain, though - it is the middle of November and I'd far rather have cold sunshine than cold rain.

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