Tuesday 17 September 2024

Tuesday 7 September - Songeons

Where's Bertie? He's in a free Aire in Songeons. Exact location: 49.545145, 1.854665.
Weather: Overcast morning clearing to sunshine by late afternoon. 22 degrees.

Mick's vote for today's destination was Amiens, which sounded like a really good call, until I spotted that the Aire sits 5km out of the town. Given yesterday's exersions at Disney (and with a migraine) it was potentially going to be a waste to go there only to find a disinclination to do anything active.

Thus we came to Songeons, chosen because it wasn't out of our way, has a free Aire with good reviews in which people told me that it was next to a river and a five minute walk from the town.

I'm can't remember whether I looked to see what the comparison was between toll-roads route and free-roads route, but we took the latter and it felt rather fiddly and slow. It may just be that's the most efficient route from Paris to Songeons.

We were here by lunchtime, and after a delayed elevenses we went out to have a look at the town. That didn't take long, and its nothing remarkable. It was also very quiet, because we excelled once again at hitting the lunchtime closed period.

There's another town nearby (Gerberoy) that's apparently worth seeing, and it's only a 1.5km walk away. I suggested we could nip over there before teatime, but laziness (recovery from yesterday!) won for today.

I think my bruised ribs are probably up to a little joggette in the morning, so I'll combine that with sightseeing before we make the final jump north to return to the UK on Thursday.

The only photo I took today. As free Aires go, this one with its hedge-delimited pitches, is rather nice. Odd location, mind. You take what seems to be a driveway between houses to reach it behind the back gardens of a residential street. 


  1. I'm a bit grumpy this morning. A replacement washing machine arrived at 7:00am! I hd to arise, don dressing gown and sort, then went back to bed. I wish you a pleasant trip back home on Thursday. Any interesting plans?

    1. Was that replacing the washing machine that, in 2022, was threatening to drill through the wall of your house when it went onto the spin cycle? If so, it did well to survive another couple of years!

      Almost as soon as we get home, we're off to Scotland. It will mainly be work (at least for Mick), but I shall be taking my backpacking gear in the hopes of good weather.

  2. I've lost count of the number of appliances I have replaced in the last few years. Fortunately this was covered by Dom and Gen. It seems there was a fault on the circuit board so they just replaced the whole machine. It was going to cost £38 to have the council take way the old one. I put it on Arnside Seek and Sell for free and it was gladly collected by a gent who repairs such things as a hobby. It's strange how some not particularly insignificant things stick in individual minds as you demonstrate with your memory of my ill performing machine. The wall between my garage and study is still intact.
