Monday 30 July 2018

Monday 30 July - Thalfingen (Ulm)

Where's Bertie? He's in a car park on the Danube, only a few km to the NE of Ulm (exact location: 48.43470, 10.06348).
Weather: Sunny and hot.

It was a productive start to the day. At 9.30 we were just heading back to Bertie with two backpacks and one carrier bag full of clean laundry. That should keep us going for a few more weeks, although possibly not quite to the end of the trip.

Once back at Bertie (where the 23 degrees inside felt deliciously cool compared to outside and the laundrette), the laundry wasn't sorted and stowed, opting instead to move straight on to our next destination, hoping it would give us more attractive surroundings.

The journey was so short (5.6km) that as we pulled into the car park (which is, as hoped, much nicer than the one in Ulm), I recognised that I had run past this place yesterday morning, albeit on the opposite bank.

After great consideration of the position of the surrounding trees relative to the course of the sun, Bertie was settled into a spot so close to the river that it wasn't a stone's throw away, but spitting distance.

Bertie is just visible in this snap, if you know where to look. He's on the left bank, just beyond tall tree.

Walking a circuit later in the day, out along our side of the river, then back along the other bank, we took a slight detour to wander through the woods, checking out the access to the adjacent lake. Having seen a few people with towels, swimsuits and inflatables arrive and leave, we suspected there were swimming opportunities to be had, and so there were, in the form of lots of little side-trails leading to tiny grassy clearings at the lakeside.

Thus, as it started getting uncomfortably warm this afternoon, we went and spent a little time doing this...

...although it wasn't particularly cooling, as the water varied in pockets between 'swimming pool' and 'bath' in its temperature.

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