Friday 19 July 2019

Friday 19 July - Nuremberg

Where's Bertie? He's in a free Stellplatz next to the Wöhrder See in Nuremberg. Exact location: 49.45912, 11.11261.
Weather: Overcast but warm and humid, with just a couple of short, light showers this morning.

There's really not a lot to tell about today.

After a drive of an hour or so, Bertie delivered us, before 10am, to Nuremberg where we were relieved to find one of the six motorhome spaces available in the Stellplatz*. There are other parking options around the city, but this one has the great merit of being about a three minute walk from the start/finish of tomorrow's parkrun course.

We'll be running around this tomorrow.

We checked out the location of that start/finish point, on the edge of the Wöhrder See (lake), on our way to a laundrette a while later.

Mick on the sofa with crossword book. It's unusual to have such comfort whilst waiting for the machines to do their thing.

The laundry took longer than it should. My error was putting the synthetic load on a 30 degree wash. It came out dripping and, even after manual wringing, took three cycles in the drier (the cottons, after a 40 degree cycle, took just one).

With the heat in the laundrette and the fact that it was now getting into the realms of 'late lunch', I was feeling rather woozy by the time we left. A stop three doors away, at the 'Panda Wok' sorted me out:

Other than a walk over to Lidl this evening for a couple of things, that has been the entirety of our day.

(*The latest review of this Stellplatz marked it poorly. There is a train line about 20m in front of Bertie. Apparently freight trains use it all night. About 10m behind Bertie is a nursery school/daycare establishment. I can vouch for the fact that the kids are outside for most of the day (a good thing!) and that a proportion of them spend the majority of their time squealing at high pitch and volume (not so good...). Only now at gone 7pm is the nursery calming down. Let's hope, with it being the weekend, it won't be in operation tomorrow and the nocturnal freight trains won't be numerous.)


  1. Keep it up! Yr readers are, ah, engrossed! Essential nightly reading,yum yum! Loving the precise location info. Loving the pix and Fountain Of The Day.

    1. Glad my witterings are providing some entertainment :-)

      The curious thing about Fountain of the Day is that if we only see one fountain in a day, it doesn't necessarily get the award. Last week Mick disputed that this was a reasonable stance, but as I'm the bestower of the award, I reckon it's entirely my choice as to which fountains qualify for entry into the competition!

  2. Is there no reference there to the trials?

    1. Not in the suburb we were in yesterday, for the purpose of laundry! However, we went into the city today and picked up a brochure from the Tourist Office, which had a page dedicated to the 'Memorium Nuremberg Trials'. We could have gone to see Courtroom 600, together with an exhibit about the trials, but it was too far across town to entice us.
