Sunday 7 July 2019

Sunday 7 July - Sulzemoos

Where's Bertie? He's still at the Stellplatz at the motorhome dealer by Sulzemoos.
Weather: Some heavy thundery showers this morning, but dry this afternoon with sunny intervals. Feeling hot when the sun's out.

A quiet day today. With thundery showers forecast the whole day through, there seemed little point moving on when we were likely mainly to be indoors anyway - plus there's benefit in staying until tomorrow to talk to the workshop about the gas test.

The limitation of the location is that there's nothing of interest hereabouts.

Even so, I've managed to cover 7.5 miles on foot, as well as getting as far as the shaping of the neck on the jumper I'm currently knitting, and frittering away chunks of time on t'internet.

My first outing, whilst Mick was still in bed, was a run, taking in the village of Einbach. In view of the violence of the thunder storm that had struck in the night, combined with the forecast of more of the same, I decided to defer my long run for this week and instead try to squeeze in a short one between showers. I duly set out just as the drumming on Bertie's roof abated, when the sky in the weatherwards direction was looking bright. If I hadn't slowed down to look at a map every now and then, and if I hadn't lost the path in the woods, I would have made it back before the next shower (or, quite probably, run further), but as it went I got wet. At least the lightning held off.

Based on yesterday's recce, when I set out I'd intended to do an out-and-back on the cycle path adjacent to the road, but on the spur of the moment I peeled off on a track across crop fields and through the woods, to complete a loop. I saw lots of hare and one deer on my way.

After a few more showers, the day turned much brighter and warmer than forecast, although we could see heavy clouds to the south and hear thunder rumbling in that direction (glad we're not still in Munich!). We thus managed a couple more good-weather leg-stretches, taking in the village of Sulzemoos (I'm calling it a village, but it's possibly bigger than we appreciate, as its Rathaus is huge and modern).

I'm now going to go back to the knitting to see if I can get that neck finished before the end of the day.

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