Saturday 24 August 2024

Saturday 24 August - Baumholder

Where's Bertie? To his surprise, he's still in the Stellplatz in Baumholder, where I've done battle with the payment system to give the town another €8.
Weather: Not a cloud in the sky and hot (30 degrees), until 7pm when it was suddenly cloudy and not so hot. 

We didn't have far to go to the start line of this morning's parkrun, having kipped within 100m of it. We presented ourselves there at just gone 0830 - far earlier than would ordinarily be required, but as this parkrun often cancels due to a lack of volunteers (and they only need two different people to perform all the roles here!), I'd offered to do anything that was needed, as long as it didn't require me to speak German. Hence I became the tailwalker (and, as it turned out, the other volunteers today also didn't speak German; they were Columbian).

They had a big turnout this week, with 12 participants (the average is 4), and all of us, bar a family of 3 English visitors, then repaired to the local bakery for tea, pastries and a good old chinwag.

The plan had been that we were then going to leave town, but having walked the parkrun course both yesterday and today, I'd really like to run it, and Mick had a hankering after one of the big meat skewers from the grill in town, both of which reasons combined to make us decide to spend an extra night here. Three nights in a town that we declared to be quite dull on Day 1!

After a few hours of recording and editing a video (nowt exciting; it's for the TGO Challenge), the temperature in Bertie got too much (approaching 35 degrees). To the Eis Café we went, speed eating our cones as they swiftly melted in the heat. We then discovered that the supermarket next to which we are parked is not well stocked, but we'll not starve before we can get to a better one on Monday.

Walking back into town this evening, we concluded that of all the festivals we've stumbled across in Germany, this one is lacking. Unless the busy time is after I've gone to bed, it seems to me that it should be a one-day affair to concentrate the punters and give more of a bustle and atmosphere. Otherwise, it needs a extra element, like the excellent street art festival we visited in Blumberg in 2018.

Definitely not as big as advertised!

Probably taken from too far away to see the live band on stage

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