Sunday 16 February 2020

Saturday and Sunday 15-16 February - Ceutí

Where's Bertie? He's still at the Aire in Ceuti.
Weather: More cloudless skies and t-shirt temperatures (albeit with single-figure starts).

Yesterday: pottering, ambling, cafe visit, pottering, ambling.

Amusement of yesterday: In placing our order for coffee and toast, the waitress couldn't understand my pronunciation of 'mermelada' (I've done some studying and now know how I mangled it). After a few attempts with her looking blank, Mick had a go, saying the same as me but mumbling a bit. "Oh!" she exclaimed in English "Jam!". Turns out that she spoke excellent English - certainly far better than our Spanish, although we are trying to improve.

Afternoon stroll, along the river that separates the town of Ceuti from its neighbour Lorqui

I tweaked a muscle in my leg on Thursday afternoon, (involving flinging my leg up onto a wall; probably best not to ask...) which resulted in great soreness on Friday. It seemed to be fine when I tried running a few steps, but I erred on the side of caution and rested yesterday (well, save for all the ambling and strolling; just 5 miles worth). Mick, meanwhile, decided it was time to see how his calf was doing and successfully completed a gentle jog*, discovering a walking/cycle track in the process.

I was back to it today, heading out in the cool of the morning and soon being joined on the riverside track by numerous dog walkers, walkers, runners and mountain bikers. The surroundings were far nicer than those I experienced 15km further south on Thursday.

Mid-run snaps

This afternoon we wandered into an area of town we'd not yet investgated, where the houses were newer and smarter. Finding another cycle/walking path, we followed it for a kilometre or so, and at its terminus was an information board telling us that it extended for 4.9km, almost (but not quite) encircling the town. We followed it back to Bertie, on our way passing through another one of those areas where the streets and street lights have been put in, but all further building abandoned. In fact, it looked like the cycle/walking track was supposed to be a key part of that development, running boulevard-esquely down the middle of what should have been two carriageways. Then the sadly-neglected look of the path suddenly gave way to brand new path through another abandoned development area. Perhaps construction is about to start again and if we were to return here in a few years time that side of town would be unrecognisable?

A bit of the old, cracked and fading walking track (the cycle tracks are painted green and run the other side of the lines of trees.

Stumbled across more sculptures

We marvel at the build quality, particularly on walls along adjacent plots, which are often unfinished.

For our purposes, Ceuti has proved to be a good place to spend a few days, but it's time to move on. Brace yourselves for another huge, great, long journey tomorrow...

(*Didn't check the battery level on his Fitbit before he set out and discovered it had died less than half way through his outing, at the 1-mile mark. Disappointing for him, as it's a widely known fact that 'If it isn't on Strava, it didn't happen'.)

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