Wednesday 5 February 2020

Wednesday 5 February - Simat de la Valldigna

Where's Bertie? Ooops. He's being naughty by spending a fourth night at the Aire at Simat de la Valldigna.
Weather: A few overcast periods, but plenty of sunshine too, but a collapse in temperature, down to a high of 14 today.

Wednesday = long run day*. Today that meant 15 miles around the orange plantations. Being one of those days when legs, lungs, heart and mind were all in co-operation, an enjoyable time was had and it was a bonus that the weather was cool (my hands were positively cold for the first mile) with barely a breath of wind.

My route was almost exactly what I'd plotted, except that at one point I decided to follow a set of walking & biking waymarks that told me to take a right turn. My recollection from studying the map was that so doing would take me two sides of a square on tracks, back to the road. That went fine until, on a rough track liberally strewn with stray oranges, I rounded a bend and saw two loose dogs ahead of me. Unattended loose dogs are not something I've come across often in Spain (unlike in Portugal!), in fact I can't recall feeling threatened by a dog in Spain (unlike in Portugal!), and these did appear to be running away from me; nevertheless, I didn't want to take my chances, so I retreated, finding a different way back to the road. I was merrily back on course when, reaching the far end of the track I had been on when I about-turned, out popped the dogs right in front of me ... whereupon the completely ignored me, ran across the road and disappeared down the track opposite.

The rest of the outing was uneventful but not uninteresting with lots of orange harvesting going on today in addition to the generally lovely surroundings.

Back at Bertie the rest of my day** went like this: post-run snack, elevenses, shower, lunch, stroll around town, afternoon snack, crossword and snack, stroll around town, snack, tea. Mick has done more strolling and less eating.

Somehow, in amongst all that, we failed to move on. Definitely tomorrow...

(*This is not entirely written in stone. I'm generally flexible in making it a Thursday instead if location or some other matter makes it more sensible so to do.
**It was only a few weeks ago that I switched long run day from Sunday to Wednesday. As a result I now spend my Wednesdays convinced that it's Sunday.)


  1. After 15 miles I read on and you referred to what I thought was appropriate - "...the rest of my day..." but no, off you went sight seeing.

    1. I've perhaps made the rest of the day sound more energetic than it was. The strolling around town was not extensive, nor was it fast ... except for the incident where a kitten tried to adopt us, causing us eventually to run away from it for fear of it following us the whole way back to Bertie. It was quite vocal in its protests as we left it behind.

      (We have previous experience of animals trying to adopt us. See this post from last March in Portugal:
