Thursday 29 September 2022

Thursay 29 September - Liedberg

Where's Bertie? He's in a car park (official Wohnmobilestellplatz, but without services?) in the village of Liedberg. Exact location: 51.16470, 6.53968.
Weather: wall-to-wall sunshine this morning (but starting at 5 degrees), with some cloud developing this afternoon (hitting mid-teens).

The Stellplatz at Brüggen was incredibly quiet overnight - a fact I contemplated last night when the pain of a migraine woke me and kept me that way. Eventually I got up and rummaged for some drugs, listened to an audiobook for a while, then the next thing I knew I was woken by hammering on the building site at 0720. There had been no heavy lorries driving past this morning; it seems that phase of the works is complete.

I still felt rather poorly after first breakfast, but knowing that a run usually makes me feel better (at least while I'm running, even if not afterwards), off we went into the forest beyond the lake we'd run around yesterday. Only an out-and-back, but a glorious route, with the sunlight streaming through the trees.

Not the best representation of the route. Further on was much nicer.

Once again, the rest of the morning ran away from us and it was lunchtime by the time we'd completed all of our chores. It wouldn't have taken much persuasion for us to stay put another night, but as we'd completely packed away by the time we had that thought, and as we were pretty sure we'd exhausted everything there was to see nearby, onwards we came, hoping that there proved to be something to see at our destination.

First indications on walking into the village were good...

...and rounding the corner it got even better (and wonkier)...

...then we came upon the tower (also wonky), which I now know dates from the 9th century and is the oldest building in this district:

More wandering took us to the Schloss, which is now inhabited by a number of businesses...

...and it was in front of that buidling that I spotted a sign saying 'Pfadfindergrab'. Google Translate: Boy Scout Grave. We had to go and investigate.

Having translated the inscription on the grave, when we got back to Bertie I Googled the incident in question and found the sad tale of a group of scouts who got caught in a 10-ton rock fall in an underground tunnel, related to the local mining activities.

The grave had drawn us into the woods, so we continued to walk through them rather than backtracking - our second lovely bit of woodland of the day:

Another street of wonky half-timbered houses...

...and a modern house with some excellent topiary in its front garden...

...brought us a complete loop back to Bertie.

So, an interesting (if small) place. On Saturdays there are guided tours (in German), the flyer for which observes that most visitors don't see/learn the most interesting stuff. It's a shame they don't publish a little guide for those of us not here on a Saturday, and who don't speak German (written literature can be translated more readily).

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