Sunday 11 August 2019

Sunday 11 August - Heilbronn

Where's Bertie? He's at a free Stellplatz next to a riverside park in Heilbronn. Water and electricity are available for a fee. (Exact location: 49.13058, 9.20401)
Weather: Glorious until this evening when it clouded over and came in showery.

Whilst last night's Stellplatz in Besigheim was nothing to write home about in itself, today I found more reason to be happy with yesterday's on-a-whim decision to stay there: the route I ran along the river this morning was remarkably lovely.

The River Neckar at this point in its transit towards the Rhine runs through a steep-sided valley, the sunny side of which is terraced with vineyards. On the other side is woodland. Along the cycle path there are crops, allotments and gardens (all featuring more sunflowers than I'm accustomed to seeing in the UK).

Mick joined me for the first three miles, before he turned back. I continued on, accidentally covering 12 miles rather than my intended 10, and pausing to snap far more photos than is my norm:

Cycle path early on, whilst Mick was still with me

Looking up-river from a bridge, shortly before we were nearly mown down by three cyclists descending a blind bend on a hill at an inappropriate speed

Hessigheim looked a nice place too, from the little I saw as I trotted through

River, terraces, sunshine, happiness

Running alongside the vines with a view of more vines

Crossing over a bridge to return on the other side of the river (too lazy to go back up and over the high ground of the outward leg), I found myself on a woodland path. Just after I took this snap that path became narrow with a steep drop off towards the river. Care was needed!

There were a couple of obstacles to be tackled in mile ten too. I had to clamber through & over this (and one other) fallen tree.

One final shot of the river

I've allowed myself to witter on about the run not only because it was so lovely, but because it's pretty much the only thing we did today. Even though Mick had us packed away and almost ready to roll soon after I'd finished my breakfast, we ended up staying put for elevenses and lunch. We could easily have stayed another day, but with the time remaining on our parking ticket dwindling, we decided not to buy another, but to move on to Heilbronn.

We knew in advance that the Stellplatz here is next to a park, and experience told us it would be busy on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Had we known that it's also next to the Freibad (outdoor pool complex) we would likely have been put off coming, for fear of the motorhome spaces being taken up by cars.

Happily (because there was a space for us; in fact, we had a choice between two) we did come, not that we've done much since arrival. A stroll to the entrance to the Freibad to see how much it costs (2.70 after 1730), with our return along the river and through the park, has been the sum of our activity. There has, however, been much relaxing in our deckchairs, with books in hands.

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