Tuesday 13 August 2019

Tuesday 13 August - Heilbronn

Where's Bertie? To his great surprise, particularly in view of the last line of yesterday's post, he's still in the Stellplatz at Heilbronn.
Weather: Sunny intervals but cool enough to need a fleece all day. I wouldn't have minded having long trousers on this morning either.

In January this year we stayed an extra night in a town in which wasn't overly interesting purely because we wanted to go out for coffee. Today's reason for staying in Heilbronn was a smidgen more rational: Mick fancied currywurst and chips for lunch.

The morning had started with a riverside run, with us initially heading off on different routes, but ending together when I found my route blocked by a closure. I worked out more-or-less where Mick would be and sought him out, to finish the outing together.

After breakfast, it was just as I was putting stuff away to leave that Mick requested a currywurst lunch. We could have moved on to our next location and gone in search of a suitable outlet, but it was easier to just walk into town here, where we had eyed up the two fast-food places yesterday.

Main course. The place we chose has a menu comprising currywurst or bratwurst (various sauce options) and chips. That's it. We arrived just ahead of the lunch rush, which saw customers queuing out the door and every seat (inside and out) taken.

As the sausage place didn't sell anything else, we had to decamp to a bakery for pudding, going sharesies on a sizeable plum slice.

Suitably refuelled, we returned along the far bank of the river

Back at Bertie the jury was out for a time as to whether we were still going to move on today. A pen and paper came out, days and places were written down (we must already be on Plan D for this week) and the end result was to stay another night*.

Having spent the last two days sitting about 10 paces away (across a fence) from the fourteenth hole of a minigolf course, we decided this afternoon to go and play a round. Our timing initially appeared to be off, when we found ourselves right behind a family comprising mum, grandma and a lad of about 7. We killed time waiting for them to clear holes 2-8 by playing the preceding hole repeatedly (we peaked at playing the sixth five times each). Our arrival at the tricky 8th hole (took me 9 shots!) coincided with their lad getting bored and going on ahead of Mum and Grandma, which speeded them along, but with no-one behind us, we still played a few of the remaining holes more than once. By the time we'd finished we'd had good value for our €2.50 a head. (Result: Mick beat me by one shot, thanks to him having a shocking time (12 shots) on the 12th, where I hit one of three consecutive holes in one.)

On our third playing of the seventh. Mum, Grandma and lad can be seen at the tricksy eighth.

If we weren't moving on tomorrow (really, definitely!) we'd probably go back for a go at the 'crazy snooker'.

(*Key influencing factors: 1) this Stellplatz is well away from any road so is lovely and quiet overnight - at least until 7am when the church bell chimes 128 o'clock; 2) Mick particularly wanted to run these riverside paths again tomorrow.)


  1. Compared with your many photos of sumptuous cakes and mouth westering meals that currywurst thing looks grim.

    1. A fair comment.

      Below the sausage lunch, I had originally included a snap of the plum slice but decided I probably share too many cake photos, so removed it. Perhaps I should have left it in to counter the beigeness of the main course (as cakes go I reckon it was pretty healthy too, with enough plum to count as one of the five-a-day).
